
Wednesday 9 May 2012

Kiss From A Rose - Happy Mother's Day, I'm Sorry - Part 2

As an adult I pride myself on being a thoughtful gift giver, much to my husband's detriment (it drives him nuts that I never ask for a list and it stresses him out when he's buying for me).  It wasn't always that way, especially on Mother's Day.  When I was really small and incapable of going out on my own to purchase a gift for my mother, I wouldn't ask my older sister or father for help, or money, I'd just re-gift her something of my own and make her a card.  For years I would give her old lady perfume samples that my grandmother had given me.*

Then one year she mentioned that she liked Nut Crackers and for the next several years at Christmas our house looked like Tschaikowski's Nut Cracker Ballet.**  I asked my mother about this last week and she simply said, "It was almost as bad as your sister and those stupid unicorns.".

When I was old enough to head out on my own to shop for my mom for Mother's Day, I continued my gifting solo, without additional money or help.  I'd go, on my bike, to this annual community school garage/craft sale and purchase whatever I could with about a week and a half's worth of allowance.  My $8-$10 dollars usually bought her some crummy craft along with some over-priced, half dead flowers from the local grocery store along with 3 gummy feet for my personal consumption on my journey home.

This is a hand crafted loon was purchased for my mother at the above mentioned "craft sale".  I believe this year I had enough money left over for crummy flowers, smarties and 3 gummy feet.

After years of gifts like this my mom "suggested" that the kids go together and buy her some flowers, from a specific garden centre for the yard.  Well played.

I told Chris that he should help the kids find gifts for Mother's Day, but he wants to encourage them to be creative for at least one gift item each, because let's be honest, it's pure comic gold!

Mother's Day Card Hall of Shame

The poem above seems to indicate that I enjoyed flute music, I did not.  In the picture above my mom is the crowned blonde with the intense rouge and I am the brunette,  The title at the top says Queen for the Day!

Check out the amazing retro Getalong Gang note paper.

That drawing on the left, those are supposed to be kangaroos - and yes the little one is wearing a bow tie.
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*These are perfumes so sickeningly flowery and fragrant that a 70 something grandmother rejected them.  In addition to this my mother has very sensitive skin and can only wear one type of fragrance without breaking out in a rash. I'm pretty sure they burned her like acid as she enthusiastically put on some of her "new" perfume in front of me.
**An added bonus was that I was able to convince my younger brother that nut crackers had 2 purposes and would torment him around the holidays by leaving them on his bedside table while he slept.

1 comment:

  1. Last year Ian took the boys out to pick stuff and instead of pointing them in the right direction, Liam bought me a James train ( from Thomas the train ) and a 5 pack of hot wheels cars that he proceeded to take once I had opened them, haha.. and Thomas bought me a candle and a big fake purple flower... he was at least thinking because I liked flowers and the colour
