
Friday 22 March 2013

Liebster Award

Happy Friday Everyone!  My lovely fellow twin mama, Sarah N. at Cure for Boredom has just selected me for the honour of being a recipient of a Liebster Award.  Thank you Sarah.

The Liebster award is one that is given to newer blogs or those with less than 200(ish) followers. I'm to answer 5 questions and pass it along.  Awards like the Liebster introduce people to some great lesser known blogs.  Hopefully I introduce some of my readers onto a great new blog you've never come across or you learn something new about me. 

My Liebster Award Recipients (check them out - they are great!)
Life In Pint Sized
F Yeah Ugly 90's Clothes
Music on Vinyl
Yes, I'm Going to Marry A Carrot - Back on Blogging after 6 month hiatus
The Momplex

5 Questions to Answer:

1- If your kid developed a massive unibrow, when would you start plucking it?
Immediately - don't get me started on what I'd do with blackheads.
2- What is your favourite geographic location?

My home, Toronto, followed by New York.

3- What book do you recommend most to others?

This is a tough one.  Either a childhood fav: The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton A teen fav: Cat's Cradle Kurt Vonnegut Or Adult fav: Lamb by Christopher Moore.

4- What's the latest life lesson you've learned?
Sometimes Spray and Wash and Oxyclean won't do the job....just throw it out and move on.

5- What would you make me for dinner if I came over? (And then feel free to invite me!)
If it was warm outside I'd fire up the BBQ for steak or burgers, or kabobs if it was winter I'd make you my spinach and cheese lasagna.

5 Questions to ask of those I've nominated:

1. If you could only listen to 5 albums for the rest of your life, what would they be?
2. Who is your (guilty) celebrity crush?
3. What is your favourite blog posting you've ever posted?
4. What is the weirdest search term that has led someone to your blog?
5. Who is your favourite writer?

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