
Wednesday 7 August 2013

How Much Is That Doggy In the Window?

The minions turn two later this week (I know I can't believe it either) and we're preparing for the onslaught of festivities (Maximum Birthday Overload!).  As far as we know they don't understand what a birthday is, however Molly will often get excited and randomly sing, "Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy." which we're just going to pretend is her version of the birthday song. 

We started our gift search a couple of weeks back looking for practical and fun gifts, some for the collective "Minions" and other individual gifts for each child. Unfortunately toys for age two are a bit of a black hole wasteland because most manufacturers won't dare package anything with any semblance of a choking hazard for children under three.*     Here's what we came up with for their birthdays, on our budget of $80 total (not including taxes):

 Hello Spot Puppet Book that the minions were mesmerised by at the store.  
$14.99 at Mastermind Games

 Because it's shark week we couldn't resist the mini finger puppet book. (notice the cat paw in the top left corner as Pan had to be a part of this post)
$7.99 at Mastermind Toys.

Little Miss and Mr. Books.  $5.50 each for a total of $11.00 at Chapters or Amazon. 

 Surfing Ninja shirt for Miss Molly, $4.99 at Baby Gap in First Canadian Place.

 Okay, we cheated a little and bought something designed for age three and up.  It's a light up cash register with a scanner, scale and some plastic fruit.  We got it for $15 at the Toys R Us at Dufferin Mall on clearance and couldn't resist the allure, but don't worry we'll supervise while they play.

 I mean come on, look how happy this kid is.  I know I always looked this way when I worked at the IGA as a Goth teenager in the 1990s, especially when the seniors payed me in "coppers".

Super cute Raccoon shirt for Jack from Kid Culture in the Junction - $26.  The added bonus of our little splurge for Jack is that when he outgrows it, Molly can still wear it a little longer.

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*Likely something to do with a super man costume and a child believing that they can fly. (I'm pretty sure that's a part of a Seinfeld stand-up routine)


  1. Ooh, that cash register looks sweet! Did they like it? I hate how boring the under 2 toys are.

    1. They really like it. There were some fights over it at first, but they seem to be over it now and are better at sharing it.
