
Wednesday 13 November 2013


This past weekend we took the minions to an Agricultural Fair:  The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair (The Royal).  The Royal has been a staple of autumn in Toronto since 1922.  

Here are are my top 10 favourite things about our experience taking Molly and Jack to The Royal.  If you get the opportunity to take your kids to an Agricultural Fair like this, I highly recommend it. Enjoy!

1. The shrieks of simultaneous joy, excitement, and sheer terror from Jack as he fed baby goats and sheep in the petting zoo section.

2. The laughter of other parents as they snickered at Jack giggling and laughing hysterically while a five year old girl provided him a "demonstration" on the proper way to feed goats.

3. The way Molly looked at us like we were INSANE and said, "No Thanks!" when we asked her if she wanted to pet or feed the animals.

4. You get to see real, gigantic bunnies.

5. Your kids can get appreciation for where their food comes from beyond the grocery store/ fridge.  Even if said learning consists of mixing up all of the grains from the carefully segmented categories.

6. Three Words: Corn Feed Sandbox.

7. You can teach your daughter that cows, don't say Meow they say Moo!

8. The Marketplace (at The Royal) filled with neat foods and gift ideas: including a stuffed bunny which was purchased for Molly as a Christmas gift from Nana and Papa.  She promptly commandeered said Bunny.  His name is "Eye" (yes he is a boy, I asked her) and he wears a dress that says "Molly".  If you ask her what the name means, she'll poke you in the eye, so don't - we learned the hard way.

9. Kids under three attend for free! (at The Royal anyway, after 4 the cost is $16).

10. You support the farmers in your area who work hard to get fresh food from their farms onto your table.  Farmers Feed Cities! 

Live in the Greater Toronto Area: Check out High Park Animal Paddocks or Riverdale Farm with your little ones!

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