
Tuesday 4 March 2014

Never Gonna Give You Up

Pancake Tuesday is something that Chris and I have celebrated ever since we've been together.  It's not that we're loading up on 'cakes so we can fast for 40 Days and 40 nights for Lent*, but because it's always been a break from the winter blahs and something we've always done with Chris' sister and her family.  Pancake Tuesday has always been a bit of a "Winter is almost over" celebration for us.

The thing about Pancake Tuesday is that it roams, just like Easter, all around your calendar so it's not like you know that it happens on March 17th each year like St. Paddy's Day.  Side bar: Can you imagine the increased level of green beer induced debauchery should the two ever collide?  I'm guessing Catholics who give up something for Lent aren't usually found at the local pub swilling green food colouring  followed by a stop at McDonalds for a Shamrock Shake on March 17th.**

toddler with shamrock st. paddys day hat

The thing about our Pancake Tuesday celebration is that it's almost never on the correct day.  Winter illness, work schedules and other activities often prevent us from hitting the date.  This year Chris and I forgot that it is Shrove Tuesday until 7:45 in the morning during daycare drop off when a three year old gleefully boasted of the pancake feast he was about to enjoy.  Chris and I curiously looked at the menu schedule at daycare to see why this kid was so jazzed about breakfast before it dawned on us.

Unfortunately, once again we are not able to connect with Chris' sister and family today to eat breakfast for dinner, although we will feast on pancakes together soon, mark my words.    Tonight we will celebrate alone as there is bacon, eggs and strawberries in my fridge and syrup and pancake mix in my pantry.  We will bring out Chris' grandmothers' old griddle and cook:  Flap Jacks, order up, large size!

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*Do your remember that movie 40 Days and 40 Nights starring Josh Hartnett where he gives up sex for Lent?  Whatever happened to that guy?
**It's impossible...I already looked it up....the latest Shrove Tuesday can fall is on March 10th.

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