
Friday 1 August 2014

License to ill

My friend KM was one of the first people I knew to have kids.  She lives outside of the city and for a couple of years it seemed that every time she'd visit us in Toronto, before she could do anything else, she was cleaning chocolate milk vomit out of the back of the car because of an "incident" with her toddler/pre-school aged daughter.

I don't know exactly how many times she fed her daughter chocolate milk on the road before she banned it in the car alltogether - but it sticks out in my mind as a fairly regular occurrence that I found pretty funny at the time.

Eight years later the shoe is on the other foot and there is chocolate milk everywhere.

The first time Molly got car sick was last summer when we were on our way to an anniversary party at Chudleigh's Farm.  As we pulled off of the highway and onto the gravel road Molly turned green.  She threw up all over her party dress and we used baby wipes to clean her off and had to convince her why she had to change out of her pretty party dress.  We thought it was a one off.  We were wrong.

This past week we retired the Sexfire (it wasn't going to pass it's emissions test) and bought ourselves a new (to us) vehicle, a Kia Rondo station wagon, that Chris has named "Rondo Calrissian".

This summer Molly has gotten car sick several times and as much fun as it is to pull off the highway to clean up a mess, we are all hoping that we can prevent our new car from smelling like old milk and stinky feet (which roughly takes two weeks to fully get rid of every time Molly ralphs in the car).

So, I have compiled some research that I hope will help everyone, including our dear friend Rondo from a deal that's "Getting worse all the time!" 

Don't forget to bring a towel, Towelie
Towlie, the towel - South Park

9 Car Sick Prevention Tricks for Your Road Trips

  1. Know the triggers so you can act accordingly.You can almost set a watch to Molly's car sickness: 30-40 minutes into highway driving. Being from Toronto she favours throwing up in Mississauga-Milton, Barrie and Ajax.  Molly says her tummy hurts, burps and then you have about 30 seconds until splat....have a sick bag ready!
  2. Feed healthy food during the trip.
    Sticky sweets (or chocolate milk) may seem like a treat for kids during a road trip, but anything greasy or low in nutrition can induce motion sickness.  Same can be said for an empty stomach.
  3. The things that worked for morning sickness during pregnancy may help here.
    Saltine crackers, ginger candies and peppermints can do wonders.
  4. Act like a sailor, try some sea bands.
    These pressure point bracelets may help.
  5. Fresh air.
    As a travelling parent trust me, I know you want to get there quickly.  Stopping for a walk or even opening a window for some fresh air will help prevent some of the symptoms and sometimes an incident.
  6. Don't forget to bring a towel!
    Towlie was right...bring spare clothes, air freshners (I know the commerical content I'm pitching to Fabreze) baby wipes and a towel for quick clean up.  
  7. Avoid Over stimulation
    Books, video games and movies are a great distraction....but can cause over stimulation and nausea.  If your kid is feeling sick encourage them to look outside of the car, close their eyes or sing a song with you.
  8. Try medication
    You can try medication, but some kids will get sick from the medication too - talk to your doctor.
  9. They'll outgrow it, probably, eventually.
    Car sickness is most common in kids aged 2-12, so buckle in it's going to be around for a while, but they will eventually outgrow it.
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1 comment:

  1. We own a puker too. ugggg.

    But now at age 7 he is pretty easy to deal with. We travel with large ziplock bags and he yakks into them and then we just give the entire bag the heave-ho. I drug him up most drives into Whitehorse with gravol (God bless the makers of gravol) and it usually does the trick.
