
Wednesday 15 April 2015

Revolution (Resolution) - Part 2

I had so much to write about my ambitious list of New Year's Resolutions for my first 2015 check in that it was worthy of two posts.  To read my first update click here.

Make Family Health A Priority
It's no surprise to anyone in North America that it's been a crazy winter where we haven't gotten out nearly as much as we should have.

I have really been trying to make healthy, tasty meals a priority for the family.  After some trial and error from traditional cook books and online, I am happy to report that I am making at least one to two new meals each week and packing more lunches for both Chris and I - some a lot better than others.   I have discovered just how much tastier, cheaper (and healthier) soup is when made from homemade broth and that recipe that's been popping everywhere up for healthy cookies is amazing (I like to mix mine up with the addition of almond butter, extra bananas and pumpkin seeds).  After a visit to my nutritionist who was adamant that I should be eating more protein I stocked up on navy beans and lentils.  Again, finding the best recipes is an adventure and often a work in progress.  Some recipes, such as, sausage, navy bean and kale soup, are keepers whereas my attempt at lemon Parmesan pasta was one of the most inedible things I've created in years.  Chris and I bought an elliptical which we have just begun using (we're only a little sore) and I managed to give myself a little TLC with one yoga workshop so far this year (I'm going to my second one in May).  I've been using my FitBit to track my progress as I go on more and more lunch and post-work walks as things slowly warm up around here.  I can't wait to begin working on planning hikes and playground visits this spring.

Last month I broke my garlic press and had to retire it.  I take this as a sign that I have satisfied my resolution to cook more. Plus it shows that I am super duper strong, right?  Chris implied that it's because I love garlic and I put it in EVERYTHING!  I beg to differ.

Book Two Dates with Chris Every Month
With the craziness of a family wedding and our family vacation -  this February we really let this one slide.  I'd say we got in about one date night each month, out of the house, just the two of us.  Pre-planning seems to be key to actually getting out together.  I don't know if this resolution is ever going to get moved from my list.

Focus my Energy on Important People in My Life
Since many of my friends are welcoming new babies into their lives this winter, spring and summer, it's been amazing to focus some love into sharing favourite casseroles and passing on clothes that no longer fit Molly and Jack.  I am trying to show people how I feel and that I'm thinking of, but need to continue to work on this, particularly to those closest to me who I lean on the most especially when things get tough.

Stop Complaining and Take Action
I really put a focus on getting some change underway the past few months.  Some of it took off, but a lot of it hasn't. I feel a need to insert a really inspirational quote about how anything worth getting has to be earned here, but am at a loss.  It's easy to focus on what's wrong rather than what's right.  We are really lucky, I just need to keep reminding myself and focus on the small things while I try to make the big things happen.

punk rock babies, babies camping

Looking at old photos is a good reminder of how fast the minions are growing up.  Probably time to lean in and smell the roses.

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  1. Hello Sarabeth! I really enjoyed your post! I appreciate your love for your family, in what ways do you feel that family is essential to the life we live?

    1. Family is important to me in every way...but I tend to let the every day get in the way of that more than i'd like...but I'm working on it!

    2. That's awesome! It is always hard to run a family, but it is more than worth it! I know that God gave us our families to grow and to learn in, and to protect us. I know that because of his plan for us that we can live with our families forever. Why do you think that God would place us in families to go through this life?

    3. That's awesome! It is always hard to run a family, but it is more than worth it! I know that God gave us our families to grow and to learn in, and to protect us. I know that because of his plan for us that we can live with our families forever. Why do you think that God would place us in families to go through this life?

  2. I love garlic and do put it in everything. Everything savoury, at least. :) These are wonderful resolutions, and I look forward to hearing your progress.
