
Thursday 21 June 2018

There's A Hole In My Bucket - Summer Family Bucket List

The minions really loved knocking items off of bucket lists since we started the project last winter, and we've continued it each season.  I've been a little MIA on the blog front, but a lot of that was work in preparation for a summer filled with more time with Molly and Jack - which means more content, reviews, and everything else.  The kids are getting more and more involved in helping me crate these lists which is one of the reasons why they're getting a lot longer.   Most of these items are for the family, but some are for me as an added motivation for my 101 in 1001 goal/bucket list, and since I'm a little late posting this, we've checked a few items off already.

I love bucket lists because the have inspired us to book activities, appreciate what each season has to offer and get out and move, even when we were tempted to just curl up and binge on some Netflix - which when it's cold or rainy outside is really easy to do.  Use this to help build your own summer bucket list....and feel free to share suggestions.  Let's get out there and make some memories people!  Summer will be over before we know it!

1. Learn to ride our bikes
2. Go to Centre Island
3. Go on a Scavenger Hunt at Evergreen Brickworks
4. Go on four hikes✔✔✔
5. Visit three new playgrounds✔
6. Visit the Catskill Mountains✔
7. Visit the miniature Statue of Liberty✔
8. Fly a kite
9. Go to symphony in the gardens at Casa Loma (for the adults)

Jack circa summer 2014

10. Try archery (for the adults)
11. Try new BBQ Recipes✔
12. Have a picnic✔
13. Jump in muddy puddles
14. Finish our earth ranger grey fox and salamander sponsorship
15. Try new recipes using ingredients from our garden✔
16. Have an outdoor garden tea party
17. Go canoeing
18. Go to a baseball game at Christie Pitts
19. Go to an outdoor movie in the park (for the adults)✔
20. Make our own ice cream sundae bar

Summer 2 years ago, Jack was so proud for being able to climb so high

21. Make a flower crown out of wild flowers✔
22. Read the Entire Isadora Moon Book Series
23. Read the Entire Zombie Goldfish Book Series
24. Try 2 new splash pads✔
25. See The Incredibles 2 in Theatres✔
26. See Teen Titans in Theatres
27. Go to Wicked with Molly✔
28. Finish a road trip license plate game (48 states achieved)
29. Ride on the Beer Cart in Frankenmuth Michigan (grown ups) - Cancelled too time consuming and expensive
30. Go spend an afternoon out in nature using our colouring books

31. Do a cannonball into the water at the cottage
32. Buy a Hammock for camping and use it
33. Find a croquet set to play croquet with the kids
34. Enjoy an outdoor concert by the lake✔
35. Have water gun and balloon fight
36. Go cherry picking
37. Make Smores✔
38. Explore Outdoor Markets and Farmers Markets✔
39. Celebrate Molly and Jacks's 7th Birthday✔
40. Celebrate my 40th Birthday
41. Do fun and educational things for shark week✔

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