
Wednesday 15 May 2019

Why Sports & Physical Activity Are Important For Kids

Growing up as a kid in the 1980's my mom would routinely send us outside to play when we were crawling the walls.  Some of my best memories as both a child and an adult involve me coming home dirty, exhausted, and happy after challenging my body to a physical task.  This truly is about the satisfaction of joyful movement. 

According to a CBS News report "Kids and teens age 8 to 18 spend an average of more than seven hours a day looking at screens."  Health experts agree that too much screen time for anyone is detrimental to our health.  Perhaps a little more focus on sports and physical activity can help combat some of these bad habits.

Image Courtesy of True North Sports Camps

*This is a sponsored blog post; however, all opinions and commentary are my own.

**This blog post was sponsored by True North Sports Camps, offering sports programs for kids aged 4-14 in Toronto, North York, Etobicoke, and Markham. Camps include multi-sport and single sport-oriented camps all summer long.

So, why you should introduce your kids to sports and physical activity at a young age?

Their Health Depends On It
The bottom line is that children need to be active every day to remain healthy and grow.  It is recommended that children get at least 60 minutes each day of energetic play.  It will give them stronger muscles, joints, bones, and a healthier heart.

It Helps Them Deal With Stress
Exercise can help rid you of negative emotions thanks to endorphins, whether you're six or sixty.  It also teaches healthy coping mechanisms for someone facing stressful situations from a young age.

It Lets Them Figure Out What They Like (Or Even Love)
It takes time and effort to figure out which physical activities you like best.  Some people prefer team sports like soccer, baseball, basketball, or hockey, whereas others enjoy solitary ones like hiking, swimming, biking, dancing or gymnastics.  The sooner you introduce your child to a variety of options, the sooner they'll figure out which activities they love.  Let them have a say in which activities you sign them up for based on what they enjoy the most.  

Image Courtesy of True North Sports Camps

It Encourages Them To Build Good Habits Early
Children who establish good physical activities at a young age are more likely to carry them into adulthood.  Use this as an example for yourself as well.  Kids respond well when parents lead by example, so consider adding activities you can do together to your calendar.  This could be anything from a walk after dinner, a yoga DVD, to a weekly family bike ride.

It Teaches Them Calculated Risk Taking
Having children practice positive or calculated risk taking through physical activities involving sports and nature will improve their confidence and decision-making processes. 

It Gives Them Important Life Skills
Skills derived from sports can be transferred to other areas of your life.  Laurie Zelinger, Ph.D., a clinical child psychologist, told Parents Magazine, "Loving a sport will teach children vital life skills - discipline, motivation, commitment, and cooperation."

Image Courtesy of True North Sports

It Increases Their Social Interaction
As a kid, friendships at school change all the time.  Having other friendship outlets through sports and physical activity is healthy.  It will also give your children other outlets and people to hang out with should they go through a rough time with their classmates. 

It Improves Self-Esteem
Many studies support that sports and the work towards mastering a new activity can increase self-esteem and confidence. Activities like sports are said to, when introduced in positive and safe environments, allow children to view themselves and their potential in new and exciting ways.   

So, what are you waiting for!  Why not use the good weather as an opportunity for you and your family to explore different sports and physical activities?

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