
Saturday 13 February 2021

Ice, Ice, Baby - Ice Block Art

Mother Nature certainly has a great sense of humour. It's been roughly a week since I started the 1000 hours outside challenge and we've entered the coldest weather we've seen all winter.

Even though I have been tempted to hibernate under a warm duvet, thanks to some inspiration from the 1000 hours outside group I joined on Facebook, Molly and I decided to brave the elements beyond walking the dog over the past few days.

Armed with some natural food colouring, plastic storage containers, and some balloons donated by my mom we got to work on creating interesting, bright coloured ice shapes.  

We created different shapes and colours by mixing our food colouring and water and left it outside to freeze all day Friday. 

Friday night we emptied out our containers and filled more. We stacked our containers on the BBQ to prevent our curious little doggo Ted from drinking all of our food colouring water before it froze.

To create the ice balloon orb shapes we put a coupl of drops of food colouring into the balloon and then filled them up at our bathroom sink. We know from personal experience that it's the best one for filling up water balloons.

To free the balloons from their rubber prison, I cut the ends off and peeled off the shell to reveal our magical looking orbs.

Behold Ice Block Topia.... Is it a castle? Is it a city? Is it pretend frozen cakes? It doesn't matter, we had fun creating it.

Many people online who inspired this idea are going full tilt and making hundreds of bricks to build ice walls and forts, but Molly and I decided to start small for our maiden voyage.

It was fun, allbeit cold, but it got us an additional hour outside on a bone chilling weekend and away from the screens.  I'll consider it a win and will keep saving plastic containers for more winter "building projects" we can do outside.  Maybe a mini wall to hide behind during a snowball fight is in our future.

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