
Thursday 9 September 2021

I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed - First Day of School

Today is supposed to be the first day of school for my kids. We opted for virtual learning until they can be vaccinated and made this decision known to our school board a month ago. This morning my kids got up, dressed and posed for their annual back to school photo in front of our house. The thing is, we've been waiting on our online class assignment all week, and news flash, it still hasn't come.

My kids have been patient. I've cautiously paid attention to deadlines of when we'll hear by, and only followed up, promptly, after they've passed. I've been reassured time and time again that online kids are not an afterthought, but as I hear of other kids attending in person, and even other kids getting their online placements, it's hard for this not to feel personal.

I get that it's hard to plan classrooms with parents changing their minds between virtual and in person learning as numbers of COVID cases in our community rises, but we made up our minds long ago and so far, crickets. I've heard nothing but excuses, and this is feeling unacceptable.

Today my kids are playing, cleaning, drawing, and most of all waiting, refreshing their online Brightspace accounts to see if something, anything, has been posted. It hasn't.

With COVID-19, all of us are used to things being cancelled, it's just this constant state of disappoinment that really getting to me. Here's hoping tomorrow is a lot smoother. Until then we'll just cross our fingers and hit refresh...Rant Over.

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