Wednesday, 27 February 2019

My Tummy Hurts, Anxiety, & Other Reasons to Call Home

It's easy to call your child on their behaviour when it's the exact same thing you did when you were a kid.  The minions have particular after school activities on certain days of the week and since the beginning of January I've noticed a rising trend.  It seems that these days of the week contain some sort of stomach virus which sends Molly into the office calling me to come pick her up in the early afternoon.  Miraculously by the next day when she has a lunch time activity she adores she's completely cured.

We pay a good chunk of cash to make sure that the kids are well taken care of so we can get work done. I am lucky enough to work from home where I can flex some of my workload into the evening and enjoy numerous days a week where I pick up the kids from school.  Here's the thing: when the kids aren't in my care after school that's when I get stuff done.  I book work meetings, personal appointments, and I get the bulk of my work done.  Since January I have lost two of these days to inclement weather/school closures, one to real a real illness, and I have received three calls about these disappearing tummy aches, two of which required immediate pick up from school.

It didn't take me long to figure out that the cocktail for 'My Tummy Hurts' is long days, not getting along great with another kid or two at after school activities, and winter weather that will not end.  She's worried about some stuff and it's manifesting itself in stomach aches.  It didn't take a lot of detective work to figure out.

I've heard the expression 'little kids, little problems' and it annoys me.  It reminds me when I was younger one of my grandparents would always ask me, "what's new in your little world?".  For whatever reason this always rubbed me the wrong way.  Little kid problems are not little to little kids.  Their stresses, life experiences and such are different than an adults, but that doesn't mean they don't feel them intensely.  Particularly when it comes to stresses and feelings that they may not know how to articulate.

 It's been tempting to scoop the minions up every time there's inclement weather or to go full on mama bear when kids are being mean, feelings are hurt, and days end in tears. I know that none of that helps.  One of my jobs is a parent is to teach Molly and Jack the coping skills that they need no matter what the situation and what to do when anxiety is giving them an upset stomach.

So I'm pulling up Dr. Google, talking to my own parents, other parents, and figuring out next steps all while keeping an open dialogue with Molly.  I'll report back.  Until then, I'm open for suggestions.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Little Moments & Long Weekends

It's the long weekend and the dog and I are the only ones up right now.  This weekend I've really tried to take some time and just pause, take it all in.  My kids are getting so much bigger, but at the same time will only be this size once.  It's nice to enjoy some of the little things because sooner or later they are going to outgrow so many of the things they are doing right now.

The minions circa 2013 when they were super pumped to shop for a new washing machine

This relatively new to Canada long weekend is called family day weekend and we've taken some time to enjoy all of the little things together:

  • So many games with Molly as she learns to play Yahtzee
  • Comic shopping with Jack as he excitedly picks through the bins at the Etobicoke comic shop I used to go to when I was a teen
  • Late nights up and late morning sleep ins
  • Watching Molly put on a fancy party dress to go to a play with her grandparents, complete with a set of fake pearls
  • Both kids jumping up and down in excitement as we let them watch Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World for the very first time
  • Jack sitting on the floor at the top of our stairs pouring over his new collection of comic books
  • Getting to visit our new baby niece while Jack plays Mario Cart with his uncle
  • Our bed full of stuffed animals, children, and favourite books as both kids climb in to get some additional cuddles 
Late today there are bound to be complaints of boredom as we take the minions to Home Depot for the not so exciting chore of dishwasher shopping.  That being said my kids seem to have a knack for making even the most mundane things a fun experience.  I hope this is something they never lose.

Enjoy your long weekend together and remember to stop and smell the roses, or the comic books, whatever the case may be.