We drove to Cambridge for a hike that promised good shade coverage and easy terrain at Shade's Mills. We decided on the Toyota, yeah that Toyota, 3.9km loop trail which took roughly an hour to complete. The cost was $21.00 for our family of four to enter the park.
Monday, 29 June 2020
Hiking Shade's Mills Conservation Area
We drove to Cambridge for a hike that promised good shade coverage and easy terrain at Shade's Mills. We decided on the Toyota, yeah that Toyota, 3.9km loop trail which took roughly an hour to complete. The cost was $21.00 for our family of four to enter the park.
Thursday, 25 June 2020
Urban Hiking - Humber Bay Park East
There are about 3KM of looped trails to explore along the lake that will eventually take you back to the parking lot. Because this trail is right in the city it was busy, even at 5:30 on a Wednesday afternoon. I'd suggest going early in the morning or skipping weekends all together to avoid crowds. This will give you more time and space to explore. If you want to make it a "lunch hour" hike, parking is free until 5PM on weekdays. We stayed here for around an hour with zero complaints of boredom from Molly and Jack.
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Things My Kids Say As Posted On Twitter
During these times, the small moments can be especially important. Not everything my kids say or do warrants a blog post. This is why I like to share this roundup and snippets of recent conversations I've had with M&J as shared on Twitter.
Dad: Are you interested in playing sports at the park? J: maybe puppets? #parenting #gosports
J: can you check and see whether or not it’s legal to own a caiman in Toronto? Me: I can, but the law is not what is preventing you from owning a crocodile. J: huh.
During a recent binge watching of #johnwick we realized we'd both go "full wick" if anything happened to the kids, but would tire of it quickly should someone take out the other parent. I feel this is a pretty accurate representation of #parenting
Added “do not put a Jason mask on the dog” to the list of things I never thought I’d say #parenting #thingskidssay
M: J has a great memory, so what are my super powers? Me: One of your super powers is your charisma. M: Clamisma? Is that a disease? Am I going to be okay? Me: Never mind #parenting
Me: You can go and watch some TV after you clean up your craft supplies. J: Okay. Me: I love you. J: I love TV #parenting
This morning began with a 5 minute debate over why J should be allowed to have a KitKat for breakfast. Convincing arguments and debate skills that counts as #homeschooling right?
J: Can I have some beef jerky? Me: No it's only for days we go on hikes. J: But I'm an apex predator. Me: Go find something else. J: You wouldn't say no if I was a lion. (Not sure where he's going with this argument) #parenting
“No you can’t play your harmonica in bed to help you fall asleep tonight.” Words I never thought I’d have to say but now have #parenting